Basis for the V Amadeus choral composition contest CONTEMP-CORALIA 2010-2011
Amadeus is the name of the annual contest of choral composition which is to be held on its fifth edition 2010/2011, sponsored by Consejería de Cultura y Turismo of Junta de Extremadura, according the following requirements:
1. The contest is one of the activities of the Contemp-Coralia project, which is trying to promote and dynamize contemporary music and musicians inside and outside our region. CONTEMP-CORALIA belongs to a greater project called EXTREMADURA Y SU MÚSICA, which has been carried out in our region since 2003 and is sponsored by Junta de Extremadura (our regional authority).
2. The current AMADEUS CONTEST OF CHORAL COMPOSITION 2010/2011 is aimed at choral composers and students of all nationalities, no limit of age, interested in promoting contemporary music, with a special emphasis on music from Extremadura, its development and promotion.
3.- Contestants must comply with the following rules:
3.1. Works must be unpublished and cannot have been registered either as a whole or partially before the jury’s decision. Works previously awarded in this or other competitions will not be awarded this prize.
3.2 Every author can submit a maximum of two compositions for each modality (2 in mixed and 2 in single voice).
3.3. The themes of compositions are free, but in order to be eligible for the prize that will be awarded to the “best work with a theme relevant to Extremadura”, works will necessarily be based on melodies/texts from or related to Extremadura. If so, the sources used to extract the theme, originals, etc. must be explicitly communicated. If any doubt should exist in this point, the jury, taking into account the information given by the composer about the origin of the melody or text, will have the final decision on whether the work might be considered suitable.
3.4. For the use and publication of all texts in the works submitted, permission by the authors must have been granted (authors will take all responsibility in this case).
3.5. All texts must be in Latin, Spanish or Ehtremeñu, including Cahtúo or any dialectal variant from Extremadura. In this case don’t forget to indicate its origin.
3.6. Works will be technically meant for AMATEUR choirs. This fact might influence the jury’s decision.
– “Amadeus award of choral composition 2010/2011 M.V.”
According to these basis, to take part in this modality, authors must submit harmonization or compositions with open subject for mixed FOUR-part choirs (SATB) with the possibility of divisi in one, several or all the strings. All works must be composed/harmonized without instrumental accompaniment and cannot exceed 3 minutes (according to the metronomic speed indicated by the author)
– “Award for best work with a theme relevant to Extremadura 2010/2011 M.V.”
According to these basis, to take part in this modality, authors must submit harmonization or compositions with subjects related to Extremadura for mixed FOUR-part choirs (SATB) with the possibility of divisi in one, several or all the strings. All works must be composed/harmonized without instrumental accompaniment and cannot exceed 3 minutes long (according to the metronomic speed indicated by the author)
-“Amadeus award of choral composition 2010/2011 S.V.”
According to these basis, to take part in this modality, authors must submit harmonization or compositions with open subject for single voice choirs with the possibility of divisi in one, several or all the strings. All works must be composed/harmonized without instrumental accompaniment and cannot exceed 3 minutes long (according to the metronomic speed indicated by the author).
-“Award for best work with a theme relevant to Extremadura 2010/2011 S.V.”
According to these basis, to take part in this modality, authors must submit harmonization or compositions with subjects related to Extremadura for single voice choirs with the possibility of divisi in one, several or all the strings. All works must be composed/harmonized without instrumental accompaniment and cannot exceed 3 minutes long (according to the metronomic speed indicated by the author)
5.1.- More than one prize can be awarded to the same work.
5.2.- Prizes of different modalities might be declared void or shared, if the jury decides so.
5.3.- The following prizes will be awarded:
– Amadeus award for best choral composition 2010/2011, mixed-voice modality, consisting of 500€, as well as edition of the work, possible editorial contract and its promotion.
– Amadeus award for best work with a theme relevant to Extremadura 2010/2011” for mixed-voice choirs, consisting of 500 € and the promotion of the work.
– Amadeus award for best choral composition 2010/2011, single-voice choir modality, consisting of 500€, as well as performance and edition of the work, possible editorial contract and its promotion.
– Amadeus award for best work with a theme relevant to Extremadura 2010/2011” for single-voice choirs, consisting of 500 € and the promotion of the work.
– “OUTSTANDING WORK declared by Amadeus choral composition contest 2010/2011”. The jury will award this recognition to those works from either modality, which haven’t been awarded but present a high level of quality. All the works in this category will receive the same publicity and promotion by the organization in different specialized forums.
6.1. The jury consists of important personalities in the world or choral music and composition and their decisions will be unappealable.
6.2. The jury’s decisions will be announced on the notice board in the official web of the Coro Amadeus association from Puebla de la Calzada ( in February of 2011. It will be also announced on the media.
6.3. The president of the jury will be Mr. Alonso Gómez Gallego, conductor and founder of both the Amadeus Choir from Puebla de la Calzada and this contest.
7.1. The author’s name must not appear on works. Five copies of the work on paper must be submitted under an alias together with a sealed envelope. In addition to the physical copies on paper, the original file in Finale or Lilypond, and PDF should be included as well. The author name(s), surname(s), DNI/passport number, telephone number, address and short résumé must be included inside the envelope.
7.2. The author’s alias must be clearly written on the envelope.
7.3 All these documents must be sent by registered post by 31st of December 2010, to the following address:
CORO AMADEUS de Puebla de la Calzada.
V Concurso «Amadeus» de Composición Coral 2010/2011.
Avda. Carmen Amigo, 26
06490 Puebla de la Calzada. Badajoz.
7.4. Contestants outside Europe can submit their works via email. For this, the PDF files should be sent to the address along with their master copies (Finale or Lilypond) named with the pseudonym and title of the work. The escrow file, which must include name, surname, passport or identity card number, international telephone number, home address, email address and a brief résumé, must be sent to named with the pseudonym and title of the work.
7.5. None of the winners in the last two editions will get a prize. However, according to this section, the “Outstanding works” won’t be considered winners nor awarded.
8.- The «Coro Amadeus» association from Puebla de la Calzada reserves the right to carry out later interpretations, editions, recordings or reproductions on radio and television of the scores submitted to the contest. Furthermore, the contestants will authorize publication of their works in the «Coro Amadeus» official website, if required. By accepting the present basis, prize-winners agree to the free handing over of the copyrights of their works to the organizing association, as well as the profits they could produce.
9.- All decisions referring to aspects or possible problems that would arise and are not included in the present basis, will be responsibility of the jury for everything involving the musical part) and the association’s board of directors for everything referring to the administrative part), although in both cases the decision taken must be confirmed by the governing authority or the «Coro Amadeus» association from Puebla de la Calzada.
10.- The participation in this contest means acceptance of every single part of the present basis.
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